Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences عدد الابحاث 9


Coral Mitigates High-energy Marine Floods: Numerical Analysis on Flow–Coral Interaction

(N.A.K Nandasena and Irshaad Chawdhary ) Details

Reactivity Indices for the Coronene Nanocrystals and Their Derivatives: Modeling Approach

(Abdelkareem Almeshal) Details

Identifying Novel Targetable Chromosomal Alterations in Ovarian Cancer: Using Germline Copy Number Variation Association Analysis

(Hanan Mohamed Abd Elmoneim, Rehab Kamal Mohammed, Reda Fikry Abd El-Meguid, Heba Mohammed Tawfik, Manal Ismail Abd Elghany, Halah Tariq Albar, Mohammed Abubakr Mohammed Basalamah and Nisreen Dahi Mohamed Toni) Details

Egyptian Imports from Food Groups in Light of COVID-19: An Econometric Study

(Mona Hosny Gad Ali and Eman Fakhry Yousif Ahmed) Details

Ultra-Short Pulses Generation of Free Electron Laser

(Thair Abdulkareem Khalil Al-Aish and Hanady Amjed Kamil) Details

Prevalence of Pathogenic Bacteria on Face Masks from Wet Markets in Makkah during the COVID-19 Pandemic

(Mohammad Melebari, Tariq Alpakistany, Taher M. Taha1, Abdullah S. Alsalman) Details

Design and Establishment of an Implementation to Simulate and Analyse the Tertiary Undulator of the FEL

(Thair Abdulkareem Khalil Al-Aish and Hanady Amjed Kamil) Details

Acute Transfusion Reactions in a Tertiary Care Hospital: The Saudi Context

(Ammar Alsughayir, Mohrah Alalshaikh, Yasser Almaki, Leenah Almass, Mohammed Alnamnakani, Imran Ahad Pukhta, Alyazeed Alsaif, Sarah Abo Baker, Abdullah Albarghash) Details

New Records of Rare Species of Marine Invertebrates in the Eastern Mediterranean, Syria

(Izdihar Ali Ammar and Yara Baseem Hmaesha) Details