Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Design and Establishment of an Implementation to Simulate and Analyse the Tertiary Undulator of the FEL

(Thair Abdulkareem Khalil Al-Aish and Hanady Amjed Kamil)


This paper discusses how the power of the free electron laser (FEL) beam was increased without increasing the size of the laser device by using a new model with a different technique for the undulator; the purpose of this technique is to make full use of the undulator magnets in a three-row system instead of the two-magnet system. This technique reduces the size of the laser device by decreasing the undulator’s length and controlling the path of electrons within the rows of the undulator magnets. From the analysis of the obtained simulation results, it can be concluded that it is possible to make the FEL device with double the power output without increasing the size of the device; this will increase future applications of the FEL in the civil and military fields.
Laser, coherent photons, wavelength, output power, magnets, SASE


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