Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
عدد الابحاث 4
The Impact of Urban Planning, Transport, and Traffic on Traffic Accidents inside the Cities of Saudi Arabia (Exploratory Study on the city of Riyadh(
(Amir bin Mohammed al-Alwan)
Integrated Environmental Assessment of Frankincense Tree Associations in the Jabel Samhan Reserve of the Sultanate of Oman
(Ali Salem, a Muslim house of Said and the names of Ali and Mohammed Suleiman Abahsain Abido and Hisham Mohamed Monsef)
The Effect of Explants Types Difference of some Hassawi Date Palm Cultivars on in Vitro Propagation Physiological Problems and Obstacles Occurrence
(Wael Fathi Hassan Shehata)
Estimation of Some Gnetic Parameters for Yiled and its Components Traits in Intra and Inter Specific Hybrids of Cotton (Gossypum spp. L.)
(Maha Lutfi Hadid )