Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Basic and Applied Sciences

The Impact of Urban Planning, Transport, and Traffic on Traffic Accidents inside the Cities of Saudi Arabia (Exploratory Study on the city of Riyadh(

(Amir bin Mohammed al-Alwan)


The Aim of this research is to analyze the effect of the urban planning, urban transport, and traffic causing traffic accidents inside the cities of S.A. and in particular the city of Riyadh, as well as their impacts, and recommendation. To achieve this goal, two questionnaires were designed, one is sent to the citizens and the other is sent to the public officials and key figures responsible for urban transport, planning and traffic departments in the city, and both questionnaires were tested for reliability and validity. The results of this study show that urban transport factors are the most significant factors causing traffic accidents in the city, followed by traffic factors, and the urban planning factors. In addition, the study results show that urban transport factors and urban planning factors account for about (67%) of the causes of traffic accidents in the city. However, when analyzing the significance of all factors together as one group, the study results show that traffic congestion comes as the first cause of traffic accidents in the city, then bad drivers behavior as the second cause, and lack of good public transport as the third, then weak implementation of traffic systems on violators as the fourth, and the fifth cause is the lack of traffic awareness programs, weak applications of smart technology tools to control traffic, and weak urban planning in the city. Also, the study results show that the majority of the population think that traffic accidents have costs (social, economic, health, and sociological) and the main impact of traffic accidents is loss of lives, then economic losses, then other losses like disabilities65533; etc. As for of the recommendations to reduce traffic accidents in the city, the results show that urban planning factors come first in importance, followed by urban transport factors, and finally traffic solutions as the third. However, when analyzing the importance of all factors together as one group, the study results show that provision of various means of public transport as the first solution, followed by establishment of a coordinating authority between the concerned agencies as the second recommendation, and strict application of traffic systems, and increasing awareness programs for drivers as the fourth recommendation, and finally, the regulation trucks and the transport of goods movements, and expansion and improvement of existing roads and intersections as the fifth recommended solution. Key Words: Traffic Safety, Urban Planning Factors, Traffic Factors, Urban Transport Factors, Smart Transport Systems, Urban Planning.
