Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences عدد الابحاث 4


Assessing the Methods of Rationalize Electrical Energy in the Mosques in the State of Kuwait

(Khaled Abdul-Jabbar al-Kandari and Mr. Mansour Obojamilh and Ahmed Yusuf Abdullah) Details


Econometric Analysis of Medjool Date Production Costs in Jordan

(Mohamed Salem Al-Tarawneh and Ibrahim Suleiman Tahat) Details

Effect of Supplementing Male Guinea Fowls Diet with Different Levels of L - Carnitine on the Characteristics of their Semen

(Walid Khaled Hayani and Hazim Jabbar Darraji) Details

Studying of Some Social and Economic Characteristics of Beekeeping in Southern Region of Syria

(Muammar Diop, Ahmad Rifai, Osama Ganada, Mowaffaq Mohammed, Safwan Abu Assaf) Details