Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Assessing the Methods of Rationalize Electrical Energy in the Mosques in the State of Kuwait
(Khaled Abdul-Jabbar al-Kandari and Mr. Mansour Obojamilh and Ahmed Yusuf Abdullah)Abstract
The energy crisis, specifically electricity consumption, is a crisis that plagues the world in general and Kuwait in particular. Under industrial development and urbanization, more energy has become a demand. With the low price of kilowatt hours (2 fils) for individuals and government organisations, compared with the actual cost (40 fils), plus the lack of awareness and carelessness of many consumers, the rate of consumption reaches its peak on many summer days. This research came about as a possible solution to this problem. Three mosques were selected as a sample to find the best way to conserve energy since these mosques are located in separate areas of Kuwait and operate simultaneously. The results showed the severe impact of the increase in temperature, as well as activity exerted on the rate of energy consumption within mosques. Also, the increase of energy efficiency of air conditioning systems, leads to reduce energy consumption. This study found a solution to reduce cooling load up to 10% by installing programmable thermostat technology, as it is known that the largest consumption of electric energy at the study mosques is air conditioning, at 51%. The study also showed that replacing incandescent bulbs with energy-saving bulbs, closing doors and windows and shading external condensers will reduce cooling load by 32%, 34.7% and by 6% respectively. The study recommends to use the advanced technologies, methods and organizational measures to conserve energy, thus reducing global warming and pollution.
Key Words: Air conditioning system, Cooling load, Programmable Thermostat, Rationalization of electricity Consumption.