Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Studying of Some Social and Economic Characteristics of Beekeeping in Southern Region of Syria

(Muammar Diop, Ahmad Rifai, Osama Ganada, Mowaffaq Mohammed, Safwan Abu Assaf)


This research aims to recognize the social and economical situations related honey production in the southern region of Syria through data collected by a questionnaire during 2010/2011. The results revealed that the income generated by beekeeping contributed in household income by about 37%, and by about 51% of household expenditures. There was 63% of beekeepers have other jobs in public sector as main source of income. In this field 65,7% of beekeepers answers said that using pesticides was the main problem, where 61,9% indicated to the reduction of pasture as a second order problem, and about 53,3% of answers mentioned the third problem facing the producing process which was the increase in the costs especially sugar, the chemical control cost, and transportation costs. On the other hands, Varro disease of honey bee colonies was the most common threat. This study recommended to activate the role of the various associations interested in beekeeping, to increase the number of bee beekeepers who are concerned to this field, bee publications, and researches to introduce all sides of bee beekeeping to the beekeepers. Key Words: Beekeeping, Income sources, Social and Economical Characteristics, Southern region.
