King Faisal University Announces the Winners in Food Security and Environmental Sustainability Hackathon Award
King Faisal University concluded the Food Security and Environmental Sustainability Hackathon on Thursday, November 2, 2023 AD, in Al-Qubba Hall, as part of the activities of the Second International Conference on Food Security and Environmental Sustainability, with the participation of 30 teams represented from universities and sectors of the Kingdom.
The winning projects were announced under the patronage and presence of His Excellency the President of King Faisal University, Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Al-Ohali, who congratulated the winners, praising all the participants for the distinguished innovative projects, and he urged them for further giving to contribute to achieving food security and environmental sustainability.
King Faisal University has made available all the needs for the participating teams and provided an elite group of mentors, developers and academics to provide a number of practical instructions and workshops over a period of three days.
The hackathon included a group of distinctive projects and ideas that aim to innovate digital solutions and develop applications and technologies that help achieve a better future for food security and environmental sustainability in the field of environmental protection, pollution reduction, waste management and waste recycling, water consumption, energy sustainability, and reducing food loss and waste, enhancing food quality and safety, developing animal and plant production, reducing plant pests and animal epidemics, and supply chains.
The first-place winner was the project entitled “An integrated system enhanced by the Internet of Things that uses a 100% sustainable biopolymer to rationalize irrigation water” submitted by a student team from King Faisal University. “Growth and Sustainability” project, which was submitted by a joint team from Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, won the second place award. The GarbageManager project won the third - place award with a team consisting of the General Authority of Civil Aviation, King Faisal University, and Al-Ahsa Girl Association. While the fourth place award was for the project entitled “A biosensor to analyze plant growth to design a gene therapy” submitted by a team from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology and King Faisal University.
Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
21-23 Rabi' Thani 1445 AH (5-7 November 2023 AD)