Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Teaching and Learning Quality in Universities According to the NCAAA Standards for Postgraduate Studies Accreditation
(Khawlah Abdullah Al-Mufeez, Mai Mohammad Al-Aifan and Amal Rashed Al-Hamdan)Abstract
This study aims to identify and evaluate whether, from the point of view of faculty members and students, the teaching and learning quality levels in master's programmes at the College of Education, King Saud University are in accordance with the standards of the NCAAA. This study uses a descriptive approach. A questionnaire was randomly distributed to 117 faculty members and to 292 master's students at the College of Education. The results of the study show that faculty members gave a medium rating to the overall teaching and learning quality. Of the three criteria for teaching and learning quality (characteristics of graduates and learning outcomes, curriculum, and teaching quality and student evaluation), ‘curriculum’ shows the highest quality level followed by ‘characteristics of graduates and learning outcomes’ and then ‘teaching quality and student evaluation’. Students also gave a medium rating to the overall teaching and learning quality with ‘teaching quality and student evaluation’ showing the highest quality followed by ‘curriculum’ and then ‘characteristics of graduates and learning outcomes’. Additionally, this study provides a number of recommendations on how to raise the quality of teaching and learning in master's programs at the College of Education, King Saud University.
Program accreditation, learning outcomes, student evaluation, curriculum quality
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