Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Basic and Applied Sciences

Factors Influencing the Adoption and Use of Information Technologies: E-Government in Developing Countries

(Fatmah M. Almehmadi)


The study aims to identify and analyse the factors influencing users' adoption of information technology, specifically e-government, which is one type of IT applications. The study is one of the limited Arabic studies that makes use of a recent statistical approach used in quantitative studies, i.e. meta-analysis.  Data analysis included a weighted analysis of factors influencing the adoption of e-government and a meta-analysis of the results of 69 previous studies that also examined these factors. The purpose was to measure the magnitude of the effect of these factors. An analysis of 24 relationships between dependent and independent variables was conducted. The results showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between the following factors: Attitude and intention to use (IU) e-government, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, system quality and IU e-government, and perceived usefulness and attitude. However,  the relationships between skills, IU e-government, information security, and satisfaction were not found to be statistically significant. The study recommended that developing countries should raise users' awareness of the effective use of e-government services through awareness campaigns. The study also suggested exploring the issues that can hinder the effective implementation of e-government, in order to establish strategies to overcome them.

Digital information management, technology adoption, meta-analysis, effect size



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