Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of some Saudi Arabia Palm Date Cultivars’ Pits

(Sahar Mostafa Kamel; Dalia Mohammed El Sheikh Farag Ali Saleh, and Ebtehal AlAdawy El-Kholany)


The disposal of date seeds is a major problem facing date manufacturers. Date pits were found to have many bioactive components and functional properties. Four cultivars namely, Barhi, Manifi, Khulas and Shishi, were used in the present study to compare the total phenols content, scavenge free radicals ability, and antibacterial activity of their pits extracts. Antioxidants activity against diphenyl picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) for ethanol extract of palm date pits ranged from 86.73% in Barhi to 90.25% in Manifi. Lipid peroxidation inhibition test was conducted using egg yolk as fat media. The results showed that the inhibition in lipid peroxidation ranged between 42.03% in Khulas to 60.39% in Manifi pits extract. All cultivars’ extracts of date pits showed antibacterial effect against Staph. Saprophyticus compared with Chloramphenicol that was found to be ineffective against Staph. Saprophyticus in this study. Insignificant differences were found between the commercial antibiotic Sulfadimidin, Barhi and Khulas extract against Salmonella enteric. This study indicated that palm date pits extracts from these cultivars have the ability to scavenge free radicals, diminish lipid oxidation, and inhibit bacterial growth. Key Words: Antimicrobial, Lipid peroxidation, Palm date, Seeds.
