Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Role of Ethical Leadership in Enhancing Entrepreneurial Inclination in Secondary School Principals in Al Ahsa, as Perceived by School Teachers

(Fathi Mohammed Ali Abu Nasser)


Ethics are an essential pillar for the success of schools and educational institutions and the achievement of their goals, and ethical leadership is a leadership style that helps achieve this. This study aims to identify the role of ethical leadership in enhancing entrepreneurial inclination in secondary school leaders in Al Ahsa, as perceived by the teachers of those schools. The study sample consists of 213 men and women who were selected randomly from 4,316 secondary school teachers during the academic year 2019–20. The study follows a descriptive analytical approach. The ethical leadership tools consist of four areas: personality traits, technical leadership qualities, team leadership and entrepreneurial inclination. The overall stability coefficient of the instrument Alpha Cronbach is 0.8276. The study indicates that all ethical leadership exercised by school leaders from the standpoint of the teachers is remarkably high, and that all entrepreneurship is exceedingly high. This is in addition to the possibility of predicting the leadership tendency for entrepreneurship of secondary school leaders through the two dimensions of ethical leadership and ethical personality traits. The study recommends the necessity of adopting behaviours of entrepreneurial orientation among school leaders to benefit from its outputs and promoting and adopting qualitative training in the field of ethical leadership and entrepreneurial inclination.

Entrepreneur inclination, secondary school, leadership, Al Ahsa



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