Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Attitudes of Various General Educational Stages' Teachers towards Comprehensive Evaluation Application and Effect of Some Variables on such Attitudes
(Subhy Saeed-AlHearthy)Abstract
This study aims to investigate the attitudes of general education's teachers of various educational stages
towards the application of the comprehensive evaluation. It also investigates the effect of teachers' qualifications
and experience on these attitudes. Descriptive survey methodology was used. The studied population contained all
teachers belonging to the evaluated general education stages. The sample consists of 199 teachers of the second
semester of the year 1432/1433 classified according to the study's variables. A survey of attitude towards the
application of the comprehensive evaluation is applied on the sample of the study. The main findings of the
study indicated that the sample of the study has a positive attitude towards the comprehensive evaluation. It also
indicated the presence of general agreement between the sampled individuals on the key factors that promotes
the success of application of the comprehensive evaluation. In addition, the results indicated that educational
qualification or experience had no significant effect on the attitude of the sampled teachers.
The study concludes with the recommendation that an independent authority should perform school evaluation.
Key Words: Comprehensive Evaluation.