Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Practice Level of Consultation and Collaboration between Learning Disable Students’ Teachers and Normal Students Teachers in Elementary Schools in Riyadh
(Zaed M. A. AL Battal)Abstract
The purpose of the current study was to examine the level of consultation and collaboration practices between
teachers of learning disable students and teachers of normal students in schools with learning disabilities programs,
Riyadh city. Participants were (603) teachers (139 learning disable students teachers and 464 normal students
teachers). A two-part survey questionnaire was used. The first part includes (6) items related to teachers’ personal
and professional information, while the second part comprises (24) items, (14) of them about teachers’ practices of
consultation, and (10) items about collaboration practices.
The results of the study indicated that, while the level of consultation practices between teachers of learning
disabilities and general education teachers as average, the level of collaboration practices between the two types
of teachers was weak.
The results also showed that there was significant difference between learning disabilities teachers and general
education teachers regarding consultation practices in favor of disable students teachers. Insignificant differences
were observed between the two types of teachers in collaboration practices. However, Teachers’ age, degree, and
experience did not significantly affect teachers’ practices of consultation and collaboration.
In addition, there was significant difference between teachers who have consultation and collaboration
knowledge and those who do not, in favor of teachers with knowledge. The specialty of normal education teachers
did not significantly affect their practice in collaboration, but affected their consultation practice. Findings indicate
the importance of increasing the level of consultation and collaboration between teachers.
Key Words: Special education programs, Students with learning disabilities.