Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Brand Switching in POP in International Super Markets Chains A Study of Elderly Responses to Sales Promotional Offers in UAE
(Adel Mohammed bedridden)Abstract
Elders in any society have unique characteristics. After the eighties of the twentieth century, this group witnessed
worldwide growing attention. This group represents a limited percentage of the Emirates population but acquire
purchase capabilities. In the light of literature review, the research seeks to answer a group of research questions
related to elderly responses to promotional special offers in the international supermarkets (brand switching).
The researcher formulated one assumption that “There is no significant differences between effects of promotion
on elder customers in POP in international supermarkets to switch from brand name to other according to their
attribute”. The study used a sample from the population (400 people). Primary data was collected using survey
method to gather the information from the customers by questionnaire, analyzed data by using statistical tests. The
results indicated that gender, age group, and social status had no effect on consumer behavior while the level of
education, usual purchasing, and nationality are affecting brand switching of the elderly.
Key Words: Age groups, Consumers choices, Purchase capabilities.