Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences

Academic Motivation (intrinsic, extrinsic) of Qassim University Freshmen Students Comparative Study between Normal and Achievers

(Munther Yousef Balawi.)


Motivation is subject that is correlated with human behavior that can improve the understanding and justification of such behavior. This study aims to examine the level of general, intrinsic, and extrinsic academic motivation for normal and achievers freshmen students in Qassim University. The study was conducted at Qassim University, KSA during the 2011-2012 academic year. The study also took into account the differences between normal and achievers students in the three domains of academic motivation. A sample of (440) male students from several colleges were randomly chosen. Data was collected using special survey, where students would determine their academic motivation levels. The survey was tested for reliability and vdlidity. Results showed that the calculated mean of the general academic motivation for normal freshmen students in Qassim University was average (3.02). However, the level was also average for achievers students with mean (3.50). Mean inintrinsic academic motivation for normals was (1.82), on low level while the achievers mean was (3.58), on medium level. Both normal and achievers students had a medium level of the extrinsic academic motivation with values of (3.15) for normals and (3.45) for achieves. There were significant statistical differences found in general academic motivation between normals and achievers students where achievers scored higher than normals. Furthermore, there were statistical differences in intrinsic academic motivation between normal and achievers students in favor of achievers. However, the differences in extrinsic academic motivation were statistically insignificant between normals and achievers students. The study recommends that the University should act to improve motivation of freshmen students to be able to overcome the difficulties of the first stage of university education. Key Words: Academic Motivation, Motivation scale.
