Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Evaluation and Selection of Drought Tolerant in Hasawi Peach Rootstocks

(Wael Fathi Hassan Shehata)


Peach is one of the extinct fruits at Al-hasa oasis during the past years, so it was necessary to determine the causes that lead to its extinction to overcome this problem and to find out a practical solution for its re-culture and propagation in the region using tissue culture technique for evaluation and selection of drought tolerant Hassawi peach rootstocks using different concentrations of mannitol representing gradual levels of osmotic pressure. The results showed that almond was the best rootstock concerning drought tolerance as it achieved the best means for all the parameters of the study as an indication for its convenient growth and development and its high drought tolerance opacity till 12.5 bar (i.e. 46.64 g l 1) followed by peach rootstock that showed drought tolerance till 10.0 bar (37.31 g l 1), and eventually plum rootstock as its maximum drought tolerance was at 7.5 bar (28.00 g l 1) mannitol. Therefore, the study recommends grafting hassawi peach on almond rootstock, then peach and eventually plum according to drought tolerance besides its quick in vitro mass propagation with the aim of its regeneration at Al-hasa oasis. Key Words: Al-Ahsa oasis, CRISPR, Drought Tolerance, Mannitol, Peach Rootstocks, Stone fruits.
