Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Impact of Social Media on Students’ Academic Performance: A Case Study at the University of Jordan
(Maan Ali Alkhateeb)Abstract
There is no doubt that social media continues to influence the communication setting of our modern world, and it continues to contribute to and influence the academic lives of the students across the globe. The aim of this study is to survey the impact of using social media on the academic performance of Business College’s Students at the University of Jordan. Four independent variables were selected including: The duration of use, the nature of use, the number of social media outlets used and the appropriateness of use. A sample of 235 students was randomly selected and analyzed using SPSS. The data were quantified using descriptive means and then analyzed using regression analysis. The findings of this research have provided a strong statistical evidence that social media indeed tends to positively impact student GPAs, with duration of use and appropriateness of use as the most influencing factors. Keywords: appropriateness of social media, gpa, nature of social media use, social media outlets, duration of use
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