Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Reality of Practicing Action Research by Mathematics Middle-School Teachers
(Abdulaziz M. Alrwais, Ahmad H. Albdour and Abdulnasser M. Abdulhameed)Abstract
This study aimed to identify the status of practicing action research in middle school by mathematics teachers. It also aimed to define their attitude towards such process and the obstacles that limit its practice. A questionnaire was applied after verification of validity and reliability on a random sample consist of 130 mathematics teachers at the Intermediate stage. Meanwhile an interview was performed with (25) of them. The results showed that teachers believe on the importance of action research to improve their classroom practices. They agreed that action research is a professional development method that can improve their practices. The results showed that the majority of teachers have never participate in action research individually or in groups. The results also indicated that the scarcity of teacher training programs on action research, and the lack of financial support are the main obstacles that limit middle-school teachers’ use of practicing action research. Keywords: action research, mathematics teachers, obstacles
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