Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Successful Intelligence and its Relationship to Critical Thinking Among Talented Secondary-School Students in Jubail

(Hanem Aboelkheir Elsherbeny Nassar and Refka Makram Megli Barsom)


The aim of the current research is to study the relationship between successful intelligence and critical thinking skills among talented female students at secondary stage in Jubail, in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The study sample consisted of 111 students who were intentionally selected from talented female secondary-school students specialising in scientific and humanities and who were enrolled in the talent programme offered by the Talent Centre in Saudi Arabia. They were divided into groups of 35 students (the standardisation sample) for research tools and of 76 students who formed the experimental sample. A measurement of critical thinking has been applied, which was prepared by two researchers. A measurement of successful intelligence was prepared by Ayman Ghanem after modifying some of its criteria to make it suitable for the research sample. The results show a positive and statistically significant relationship between female students’ degrees in critical-thinking skills (explanation – interpretation – analysis – conclusion – evaluation – self-organization – the total degree) and the capabilities of successful intelligence (analytical – practical) in all areas (verbal – formal – numerical). This is in addition to a negative, non-statistically significant relationship between female students’ degrees in critical-thinking skills and creative abilities, with the exception of the skill of evaluation. The results show a negative correlation between the skill of interpretation and the formal field and between the skill of reasoning and the total degree of creative skill. In light of the results, the two researchers recommend encouraging other researchers to study the relationship between the capabilities of successful intelligence.

Critical thinking skills, successful intelligence, giftedness, secondary school



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