Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Internet Banking using Obstacles A Field Study

(Saeed Bin Ali Aledadi)


The overall objective of the research is to determine the constraints facing banks’ customers that prevent the use of online banking in their bank transactions. A questionnaire was prepared consisting of 20 sections representing the obstacles facing the customers using online banking in addition to demographic data. The population consisted of all individuals can deal with technology, have financial assists, and legal ability to deal with Saudi commercial banks. The study showed that the main constraints facing banks’ customers who use Internet banking are operational constraints, followed by cognitive constraints. Infrastructure constraints came third while legal security where the last ones. The study also demonstrated the lack of differences between the samples according to the use property. In addition, there was a difference between the averages of squares for the major groups of constraints according to customers view. There are a number of recommendations including the development of a mechanism to overcome the difficulties facing the customers using the Internet banking throughout several mechanisms. These proposed mechanisms include issuing a decree from the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency to ensure the rights of clients using internet banking to inspire confidence in this technique. In addition, increase the awareness of the banks’ leaders and customers regarding the concept and importance of Internet banking. Furthermore, there is a need to strengthen banks’ infrastructure and training the employees on this technique. Some banks, such as National Bank, Riyadh Bank, and Al-Belad Bank must improve their online banking services even by drawing the experience from other banks such as Al Rajhi Bank. The final aspect is to develop the banking services, especially security. Key Words: Information technology, Internet banking, Saudi banks.
