Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Impact of Using Fereignization and Domestication on the Translation Accuracy of the Quranic Metaphor (Kinayah) Verses

(Mohamad Zaka Al Farisi)


It is known that speech act of kinayah often becomes a complicated problem in the translation process. The problem emerges during the translation process because of the existence of primary meaning and secondary meaning contained in kinayah speech. In this case, the translator must employ so appropriate procedures and techniques of translation that the translation of kinayah becomes accurate. This descriptive research with the design of embedded case study is oriented on translation as a cognitive product of the translators. This research aims at revealing the impact of translation ideology on the accuracy of the translations of kinayah verses in Al-Quran dan Terjemahnya and Al-Quranul Karim Tarjamah Tafsiriyah. The latter was made by Thalib as a reaction to the deficiencies of Al-Quran dan Terjemahnya in the accuracy and clarity aspects. The result shows that in general, both of the translations have domestication tendency because they used many target-language-oriented translation techniques. The domestication tendency presents the accuracy and transparency of kinayah verses in the translations. The application of translation techniques in both of the translations is not only done by using single procedure but also done by using couplet, triplet, and quartet procedures. The couplet procedure that combines literal and amplification techniques presents the good quality translation of the kinayah verses. The application of literal technique presents the primary meaning of the kinayah verses accurately, while the application of amplification technique presents the secondary meaning of them transparently. Keywords: foreignization, domestication, metaphor, translatability, transposition
