Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Effect of adding different levels of Lycopene to the ration on Liver enzymes and malondialdehyde concentration of the layer hens ISA-Brown

(Nihad Abdul Latif Ali and Ahmed Abdel-altitude and staff of Mohammed excelled)


This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of adding different levels of Lycopene to the ration on Liver enzymes and malondialdehyde concentration of the layer hens ISA-Brown. A total of 345 layer hens ISA Brown , 23 weeks of age were used in this study They were randomly distributed among 5 treatment groups of 3 replicates each and each replicate constituted of 23 replicates ( 69 hens for each treatment groups) Experimental treatments were as following : T1: control group (Without any addition to the diet), T2 : adding 200 mg / kg feed (vitamin E), T3,T4 and T5 adding 100, 150 and 200 mg / kg feed( lycopene) respectively. At the end of each month of experiment blood was collected from 9 hens in each treatment group to evaluate concentration of Liver enzymes : glutamateoxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), glutamatepyruvate transaminase(GPT) , alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and estimate malondialdehyde concentration MDA in blood Serum It is the final product of the oxidation of fat. Results revealed get decline of improvement (p <0.05) to the level of GOT , GPT enzymes and MDA when compared with first treatment (control) , and increased in the level of ALP enzyme in the blood serum laying hens for treatments lycopene and vitamin E treatment during the periods of experiment. It can be conclude from this study that the addition of lycopene to the diets of laying hens lowering of the enzyme GOT, GPT and MDA and the good level of the enzyme ALP in the blood serum of laying hens. Key Word : layer hens, lycopene , Liver enzymes , malondialdehyde
