Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Attention and Response to Newspapers and E-Newspapers Advertisements: A Comparative Study of King Faisal University Students Views

(Osama Ahmed Mohamed)


This study conducted a statistical analysis of King Faisal University students views in Saudi Arabia, in terms of attention and respond to advertisements in various sections of printed and/or electronic newspapers according to students gender, academic specialization, age, academic level and per capita family income. The study also conducted statistical analysis about advertising industry in Saudi Arabia including the Saudi market and the estimation of Saudi universities students segment size. The relative importance of the advertisements of printed and/or electronic newspapers for Saudi university students was also determined. In addition, the work reviewed the main sections of hard/electronic newspapers. It also identified the hard/electronic newspapers pursued by Saudi university students. The main findings of this work revealed that printed papers are still having wide sector of readers. Buying newspapers is the main method to acquire it. The percentage of reading electronic newspapers are higher in male compared to female readers. Reading percentage also was found higher in humanitarian rather than practical specialization. Key Words: Advertisement, Attention, Electronic newspaper, KFU, Printed newspaper, Response.
