Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Current Status of the Integration of Computer Technologies in Instruction Concerning its Domain, fields, and the Teachers Characteristics Affecting it: A Survey Study of the Opinions of Public Schools Teachers in Al-Ahssa

(Hussein Abdul Ilah Arfag)


The study aims at knowing the domain and fields of teachers integration of computer technologies in their teaching. It also aims at determining the distinguished characteristics among them in relation to their integration of computer technologies in teaching in all stages of public education in Al-Hassa. The study has found that more than 90% of teachers support the integration of computer technologies in teaching the different courses, and they have a high positive view toward it even though the level of their integration is small. The study has shown that more than one third of teachers have medium computer use experience, almost one third of them have advanced experience, and finally more than one quarter of teachers are either with no computer experience or beginners. The study has revealed also that the most highly used software programs are word processing, presentation programs, and internet applications, while the most highly used computer hardware are storage media, laptops, desktops, printers, and data show projectors. Teachers integration of computer technologies in teaching focused on electronic searching, office work, and production of presentations. The study has conclude that the most influencing factor in the integration of computer technologies is teachers training how to integrate computer technologies in teaching according to a well-designed strategy. The other related factor is school environment, such as technical support, instant maintenance, hardware/software installation, and updating. The study has found significant differences among the teachers level of computer technologies integration in teaching depending on the level of their computer use experience. The more computer experience the teacher has the more computer technologies he integrates. The study discussed these results, and reached some necessary recommendations. The most prominent are the importance of training teachers to integrate computer technologies in teaching according to a well-designed strategy, expanding the skills of using computers to include using advanced software and hardware, and finally creating a technological school environment full of e-learning, multimedia, and educational software. Key Words: Computational techniques, Public Schools, Teachers Characteristics
