Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

AI-Powered Training Program for Enhancing Teachers’ Skills in Creating Educational Digital Games

(Taghreed A. Maydi and Majed A. Alharthi )


This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of an artificial intelligence (AI)-based training program in developing electronic educational game production skills for teachers of students with learning disabilities. Data were collected using research tools, including an achievement test designed to measure cognitive skills and an observation checklist aimed at assessing performance in the production of electronic educational games. Using a quasi-experimental design with a single group, the research tools were applied and then the AI-based training program was implemented, with the tools being applied again afterwards. The research sample included all 50 teachers from public and private schools for students with learning disabilities in the Jazan region during the third semester of the academic year 1444 AH / 2023 AD. The results demonstrated that the AI-based training program helped teachers of students with learning disabilities improve their cognitive and performance skills in creating electronic educational games. In light of these findings, the researcher recommends employing AI-based programs in education and encourages collaboration between teachers and educational technology experts to achieve effective educational training methods and the continual development of technical skills among these teachers.
Chatbots, ChatGPT, e-learning, special education, learning disabilities, Make It



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