Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Grammatical Dispute Regarding the Attachment of "Kama" in the Qur'an and Its Impact on Tafsir (Exegesis) Literature
(Abeer Abdulaziz Ibrahim Al Sheikh Mubarak)Abstract
The issue of the attachment of "Kama" is one of the matters that has occupied grammarians and exegetes; grammarians have differed regarding the attachment of "Kama" in several places in the Qur'an. This study is centered on the following question: How does the grammatical disagreement over the attachment of "Kama" affect the interpretation of the verses? This study aims to analyze the attachment of "Kama" in various Quranic contexts, present the grammatical disputes surrounding it, and explore the impact of these disputes on the exegesis literature. The goal is to propose a grammatical perspective that contributes to guiding the parsing of Quranic verses by relying on an analytical methodology in the study. Furthermore, the scientific significance of this study lies in enhancing the linguistic understanding of the Quranic context, providing interpretative insights into Quranic texts, reducing discrepancies in multiple grammatical explanations, and enriching linguistic and grammatical studies related to the Qur'an. Findings indicate that there is a disagreement among grammarians in four instances of the evidence of "Kama" in the Qur'an. Such plurality of opinions in this matter does not imply an error in any of these views but rather reflects the depth, precision, and richness of the Quranic context. The correctness of a single word's attachment to more than one element is considered one of the miraculous aspects of the Qur'an. Ultimately, this analysis recommends expanding the scope of research to include the study of the attachments of words similar to "Kama" in the Qur'an, such as the words "Mithl" (like) and "Ka'anna" (as if).
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