Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Comparison of Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, and Bioactive Compounds Contents in Different Hassawi and Basmati Rice Genotypes
(Maha Lotfy Hadid and Dalia Mohamed Sheikh)Abstract
The aim of the study was to compare changes in the chemical composition, antioxidant and bioactive compounds of germinated and un- germinated rice. Three genotypes of rice were used ie: local Hassawi, Hassawi hybrid 2, and basmati. The percentage of moisture, ash, carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber, phytic acid, 945;- tocopherol and - orizanol were determined. Results showed significant changes in Hassawi rice types and Basmati in chemical composition. The results also indicated that there was a significant increase in protein in Hassawi hybrid 2 and local Hassawi rice after germination. This increase was also noticed in moisture in local Hassawi and in - orizanol in Hassawi hybrid 2. On the other hand, significant decrease was observed in fat, phytic acid and 945;- tocopherol levels in local Hassawi rice.
The study proved the high nutritional value of Hasawi rice types compared to basmati rice. This was true for ash, fiber, fat, and - orizanol contents. On the other hand, nutritional value was increased after germination of rice due to increased percentage of protein and the concentration of - orizanol, especially in the Hassawi hybrid 2, this gives this type extreme importance in disease prevention.
Key Words: 945;- tocopherol , Basmati Rice, Germination, Hassawi rice, - orizanol , phytic acid.