Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences

Spiritual Experience Among Religions

(Samia Yassin Al-Badri)


This article endeavors to comprehensively explore the spiritual experiences within Christianity, and Islam. It aims to examine the similarities and dissimilarities between Monasticism (existing in Christianity) and Sufism (existing in Islam). The article delves into inquiries regarding whether monasticism serves as the origin of Sufism, the potential reciprocal influence between the two phenomena, and the absence of any connection between them. To accomplish this, the paper employs both inductive and analytical methodologies. Pertaining to similarities, both Monasticism and Sufism encompass disengagement from worldly affairs, seclusion from society, renunciation of materialistic existence, utilization of chants and hymns. Nonetheless, these entities diverge in terms of their approaches towards places of worship, inclination towards celibacy, reliance on symbolic language, religious rituals, the significance of silence, attitudes towards women, as well as the expressions of love and fear. Ultimately, a prevalent discovery emerges that spiritual experiences transcend religious boundaries. Despite variations in individuals' religious backgrounds, the spiritual dimension constitutes a shared element among them. 
Gratitude method, intuitive method, knowledge philosophy, knowledge source, religious philosophy, spiritual exercise


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