Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Personal Deixis in Political Discourse
(Abdullah Abdulaziz Alsultan)Abstract
Deixis is manifested especially as the pronouns I, you and he. It is possible to appoint the person producing the discourse and the participant in it. Deixis may be received, accompanied by gestures, to express a specific purpose and help the addressee communicate the meaning of what is referred to. When using a pronoun, you refer to one of the parties to the discourse and determine their place in it, especially if the speaker has political authority. The mechanism used by deixis to direct the discourse and the success of the communication process is important to clarifying the speaker's intention in a contemporary political discourse. An example of this is the discourse of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the G-20 summit and his use of deixis to understand, persuade and influence, as well as his statement on the nature of the relationship between the speaker and his addressees. This study clarifies the nature of deixis in general and personal deixis in particular. It explores their types and presents the study model for analysis according to the pragmatic approach to explain the status of the counselors and their importance in the analysis of political discourse.
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