Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Revealing of Potential Plant Growth-Enhancing Traits Through In Silico Genomic Analysis of Bacillus Rhizoplanae CIP111899

(Guendouz Dif and Abdelghani Zitouni)


The objective of this study was to examine the whole genome of the bacterial strain CIP111899, isolated from the root surface of maize (Zea mays), in order to reveal the presence of genes implicated in enhancing plant growth. The genome-based taxonomy revealed that strain CIP111899 belongs to a new species called Bacillus rhizoplanae. In the second step, the genome of CIP111899 was analyzed on multiple levels using various information tools. This involved examining functional categories associated with genes using analytical techniques, namely, annotation using the RAST server, then identifying growth-promoting genes with the Prokka program, and finally detecting groups of genes responsible for secondary metabolism through antiSMASH analysis. The results of the genomic analysis of strain CIP111899 showed the presence of multiple genes that enhance stress tolerance, such as those encoding enzymes and antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, peroxidases, and catalase). Additionally, various plant growth-promoting genes were identified, including those involved in the solubility of inorganic phosphorus, phytohormone production, and iron uptake. In conclusion, strain CIP111899 has shown promise as a potential agent for promoting plant growth and thereby improving food security due to its genetic composition.


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