Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Effectiveness Level of the Incentives System of the Educational Female Supervisors in the General Administration of Girls Education in El Hassa from their Point of View
(Mona girl Hamad Bin Yousef Al Aidan)Abstract
The present study aims at assessing the affectivity of the incentives system that is offered to the educational supervisors as being applied in The General Administration of Girls Education in El Hassa. The study will assess the effectiveness of the aforementioned system according to the educational supervisors own point of view. The scholar followed a descriptive analytical methodology and built up a questionnaire as a tool for collecting data. The questionnaire has been applied to a sample of 84 educational supervisors.
The study concluded the following results:
- There is deterioration in the aforementioned systems effectiveness.
- The recommendations that have been suggested within the course of the study contributed to improving the effectiveness of the system elevating it to a middle level (according to the samples point of view).
- There are no significant differences due to differences in educational qualification among the responses of the samples individuals concerning the possibility of improving the effectiveness of the system if adopting the recommendations of the study.
- There are significant differences among the responses of the samples individuals concerning assessing the level of the systems effectiveness. Those differences are attributed to the difference of educational qualification in favor of those who has a diploma degree.
- There are no significant differences among the responses of the samples individuals concerning assessing the level of the systems effectiveness that can be attributed to variations in experience in the field of educational supervision.
Finally the study reached the following recommendations:
- Designing a positive incentives system that takes the aspects of the effective administrative incentives systems into consideration.
- This recommended system should be built upon the priority of fulfilling work objectives and achieving the optimal level of job satisfaction in the side of the educational supervisors.
Key Words: Educational Female Supervisors, incentive System.