Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Effectiveness of a STEM-based Programme for Teaching Mathematics to Develop Reflective Thinking Skills Among the Gifted in Makkah
(Laila Saad Saed ALsaidi)Abstract
The present research discusses the effectiveness of a STEM curve-based programme for teaching mathematics to develop critical thinking among gifted students in Makkah. To achieve this goal, the researcher uses an experimental method. The research sample consists of 50 talented secondary-school students and is subjected to the Eisenach and Wilson Scale for Reflection. To test the validity of the research hypotheses, the data are statistically analysed using percentage and standard deviation as well as the t-test. A modified ratio of blackberry gain is established to ensure the effectiveness of the programme. For example, it was found that there are statistically significant differences in the critical thinking level of gifted female students in the experimental and control groups in favour of the former. One recommendation is the need to reconsider teacher development programmes in universities and develop them according to the STEM curve in an integrated manner in order to prepare an empowered and highly skilled teacher and to establish scientific, engineering and technological centres in educational departments to provide and create effective learning environments that develop learners’ knowledge and skills according to STEM learning.
STEM curve, contemplative thinking, talent, first secondary class
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