Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management

Correcting Misconceptions and Enhancement of Reasoning Skills: Simulation-Supported Dual Situated Learning Model

(Adel R. Althubyani)


This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of using the Simulation-Supported Dual Situated Learning Model (Sim-DSLM) to correct students’ misconceptions, retention, and enhancement of reasoning skills. To address this objective, a quantitative, experimental approach with pre- and post-learning tests was employed. The researcher developed two tests: (1) a physics misconceptions test and (2) a reasoning thinking skills test, which were both checked for validity and reliability. The tests were administered twice, before and after lessons were taught, to 57 participants recruited randomly from the seventh grade in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The experimental group (30) was taught using the Sim-DSLM and the control group (27) was taught according to the traditional lecture method. The results from both the physics misconceptions test and the reasoning thinking skills test showed that the experimental group statistically scored higher than the control group in the post-learning test. The effective values of using Sim-DSLM to correct students’ misconceptions, retention, and enhancement of reasoning thinking skills were high. The researcher recommends that teachers should be trained to uncover and remediate the misconceptions that students have using strategies such as the Sim-DSLM.
DSLM, scientific concepts, simulations, conceptual change, scientific concepts, thinking skills



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