Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Wording of the Quran and Its Impact on Meanings
(Manal Abdullatif A. Alarfaj)Abstract
This study aims to know the structures of the words of the Quran and their impact on meaning in an applied study on the structures of the linguistic root falsehood “A F K,” namely: ('IIFK, 'AFFAK, MUTAFIKA, TUFAK, YAFIK, YUFAK, 'UFIK, TAFIK). The study followed the inductive analytical approach and comprises an introduction, two sections and a conclusion. The first section is the structures of the root falsehood “A F K” in the Quran, and the second section addresses the meaning of the root in the context of the sentence. The most important result is that the root used to express the most severe types of lies, slander and malicious falsehoods, is “'IIFK.” Therefore, the use of the term is appropriate in the case of rejecting conclusive scientific evidence with flimsy arguments, and in accusing others of an unsubstantiated charge. This meaning can be applied to all the root forms. The study recommends the creation of such a work of a comprehensive encyclopaedia of Quran words because knowing the central significance helps to know the meanings of all sentences where the linguistic root is used, no matter how diverse its morphological structures are.
Central significance, linguistic differences, morphological forms, morphological formulas, morphological meanings, Quran words
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