Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Objective Tests of Some Undergraduate Courses at the College of Education for Elementary Teachers Preparation: An Analytical Study
(Sana Ahmed Mansour)Abstract
This study was aimed at analyzing objective test items that was employed as a testing measure in the final examination of undergraduate courses in the College of Education for Elementary Teachers Preparation in Riyadh. The study focused on three major areas1548; first: the degree of representation 8211; in light of course syllabus 8211; to course targets based on the opinion of experts in the subject matter1548;second: the extent of compliance to construction terms of true-false and multiple choice test items in accordance with the criteria in the educational evaluation literature with special emphasis on criteria of test review drafted by the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia1548; third: to find out 8211;if there is any- statistical differences regarding analysis results between departments8217; tests. Sample of the study constituted of 32 objective tests out of 127 representing college departments and four levels of schooling. The researcher used 3 forms to place test analysis1548; 29 faculties from different disciplines participated in the process1548; each test in the sample was analyzed separately by the researcher and two others specialized in the subject matter of the test. The most significant results of the study have shown that the degree of representation of tests items to course objectives was not inclusive and has gotten a "medium" rating. Study results have also shown statistical differences in compliance to multiple choice items construction terms between Science and Mathematics department and Kindergarten department for the benefit of the first one.