Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Assessment of some production indicators of local Syrian chickens

(Mohammed Mahrous)


Local chickens are raised in villages and rural areas of Syria to fulfill the farmers partial need for eggs and meat. The surplus is sold in the local markets. The results indicate that most farmers own 5.63 chickens at the age of one year and 0,68 chickens at the age of four years old and above, There was an obvious variation in the average production of the chickens. It was estimated that production of one chicken averaged 102.6 eggs per year while average egg size was 58.98 gm per year. Chicken mortality percent varied as well among farmers. It was estimated to be 12.43%. Number of chickens brood on eggs varied among farmers. Those brood once per year were 17.58%, while those brood twice reduced to 3.37%. Number of eggs set under the brooded chicken averaged 12.93 eggs and percent hatchability reached 71,4% while mortality level reached 39% in the chickens up to 7th week of age. Less attention and sensitivity to surrounding environment and exposure to assault from other chickens, cats and dogs were some of the reasons behind this high mortality. Key words: Local chickens, Baladi chickens, egg production, egg weight, Feed consumption, broodiness chickens, Age of local chickens
