Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences
The Shift in Academics’ Conception of Virtual Platforms due to the Coronavirus Pandemic: The Saudi Context
(Mohammed I. Alhojailan)Abstract
This study aims to identify the perceptions of faculty members at King Saud University on using virtual platforms during the coronavirus pandemic. It reveals the differences among their opinions both before and during the pandemic as well as the various methods used to determine their views. It furthermore offers explanations for these views. 79 members were sampled during the pandemic and 74 members before it. The perceptions of both samples differed regarding needs, obstacles, procedures, and recommendations related to virtual platforms. The initial needs of the pre-sample focused on ‘training’, whereas the post-sample focused on the necessity of ‘technical support’. Both samples agreed that the obstacles facing the use of virtual platforms fell into three main categories: the importance of technical support, administrative considerations, and training. The two samples suggested focusing on laying down policy for management and decision-makers related to the adoption of ‘teaching strategies’. These should be based on the use of relatively blended learning designed to promote continued future use of virtual platforms. The study recommended considering the necessity of pedagogically employing virtual platforms in universities and raising awareness of eTeaching methods among members. It similarly suggested reducing obstacles and difficulties by means of continuous evaluation and addressing any problems.
Virtual teaching, perceptions, thematic analysis, electronic culture, higher education, eLearning.
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