Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management

Shari a Judge Decisions Differing From the Actor s Belief In Cases of Unknowingly Violating Shari a Law

(Abdullah bin Mohammed Smaeel)


The paper investigates jurisprudence judgment concerning the cases of the persons who come to know about a particular violation of a duty, after the execution of the action violating Shari a rules. The case is exemplified by a person who violates Shri a unknowingly either by following a wrong opinion by violating some other obligation. This may lead to stress and unease after knowing correct course of action according to Shri a. The case has basically to do with the change in the knowledge and it applies to all adults who are obliged to satisfy Shri a requirements. Violations may be related to matters such as worship, penalties and similar cases. The study starts by looking into Shri a certain cases related to judgment concerning theft and drinking, as in the case of taking money from one s wife, or from a under-age boy, or drinking alcohol believing that it is some non-alcoholic substance. These case may be referred a Shari a court to give their ruling. After discussing these and similar cases, the researcher reports his results and conclusion, praying that awareness of these cases will make them less frequently recurring. Key words: Time of knowing, Shari a rules, violations of Shari a rules.
