Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Basic and Applied Sciences

Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic to Raise the Quality of Residential Neighbourhoods: The Saudi Context

(Esam A. Haider and Ali Salem Bahammam)


Saudi Arabia was one of the countries that undertook early precautionary measures from March 8 to June 21, 2020, to avoid the spread of Covid-19. These measures consisted of partial lockdowns and isolating some neighbourhoods from the rest of the city. The precautionary procedures impacted the isolated residents' ability to meet their needs and conduct `their daily activities, but the greatest impact appeared in low-density neighbourhoods that do not have full services. This paper proposes a set of recommendations and practical procedures to improve the quality of residential neighbourhoods and avoid negative effects as a result of a partial or total lockdown in the future. The steps involved in the study include the following: identify precautionary procedures; monitor and analyse the reactions resulting from their application; and identify the shortcomings that cause the negative effects and inability to meet the needs of the population. Based on the findings, this paper outlines recommendations for a set of procedures that would improve the quality of residential neighbourhoods and avoid negative effects should future precautionary measures be required.
Corona, precautionary measures, quality of residential neighbourhoods, Riyadh



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