Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Developing Analytical and Critical Reading Skills Through the Linguistic Context: The Philosophy of Text Grammar

(Mahmoud Abdel Hafez Khalaf Allah)


This research aims to identify the effectiveness of a proposed program based on “Text Grammar” (teaching languages through the linguistic context) in developing analytical and critical reading skills through the language skills course for first-level students in the Bachelor of Arabic Language at the Faculty of Arts, Jouf University. To achieve this goal, two lists of analytical reading skills and critical reading skills were built, and the foundations for building the proposed program were identified. The research was based on the experimental design of one group (30 students). The researcher prepared the analytical and critical reading tests, and they were applied before and after the experiment. The research achieved several results, the most important of which are: (1) the effectiveness of the proposed program in developing analytical reading skills and (2) critical reading skills at all levels of the research group. Recommendations presented include (1) to reconsider teaching Arabic language and literature program courses in the context of text grammar and (2) training faculty members. It is also necessary to include text grammar, its teaching strategies within the description of the Bachelor of Arabic Language and Literature program, and the description of the courses. Finally, a number of text grammar studies for teaching Arabic are suggested.
literary criticism, reading comprehension, Arabic language, literature, language skills, higher education



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