Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Trading in Humans in Light of Islamic Jurisdiction
(Khalid bin Mohammed Doughan)Abstract
All praise is due to Allah, God of all worlds; and the blessing and peace of Allah be upon the most esteemed of the prophets and messengers, our prophet Mohammed and upon his family and companions.
This study deals with trading in humans and Islam s position from this phenomenon. The researcher began the study with discussing the issue of human rights in Islam. He showed that Islam has decreed all human rights and set the ways to protect them. Islam also approves of all sincere efforts which are taken to ensure these rights and prohibits any act which may violate them. These efforts include: the propagation of virtue and prevention of vice, judicial systems, arbitration and migration. The study then deals with the violation of human rights before and after Islam, showing the suffering in medieval centuries and the periods that preceded them, the suffering which resulted from the enslavement of free people and selling them especially in Africa, and the suffering in modern times when contact took place between the two continents of Europe and Africa. One of the results of this contact was the enslavement tragedy which had befallen many blacks in Africa. Enslavement in Islam was allowed temporarily because it was a social custom at the time the message of Islam first began to spread. Enslavement has gradually decreased until it disappeared completely through Islamic decrees which encourage the setting free of slaves in the Islamic community.
The second chapter of this study deals with the issue of trading in humans. It defines this phenomenon and criticizes the definition proposed by the United Nations. It, then, showed the time period when this phenomenon emerged and its danger on the whole world in regards to the amount of income that this trade provides to international economy, the number of people sold, the spread of prostitution because of this trade and how it takes away the enslaved people s dignity and freedom by violating their rights as humans. The most dangerous aspect of this issue is when it becomes officially allowed and recognized whether this was directly or indirectly.
The researcher also mentioned the most important methods through which humans are being traded around the world, and the reasons for the widespread of this phenomenon globally. Then, he showed the position of Islamic jurisdiction from this phenomenon and the position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from it as well.
Finally, it should be noted that the world should hear the Islamic voice and the everlasting saying of the just Muslim ruler Omar Ibn Al-Khatab, "When did you enslave people and their mothers have birthed them free?" Islam, since its beginning, has paid a great deal of attention to freeing man from the stains of multi-theism, false idols and the enslavement of man to man, whether it was the enslavement of blind obedience or the enslavement of the body.
May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon Mohammed and all his family and companions.