Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

The Reality of Cybersecurity and its Challenges in Saudi Arabia

(Sami S. Alsemairi)


Recent technological developments have led to an increasingly wide use of electronic devices, platforms and applications. These technologies are now an important factor in the digital transformations taking place in many governmental agencies. In parallel with these technological advancements, new cybercrime techniques have been developed, making them a complex and highly prioritized national security issue for many countries around the world. To address this challenge, the Saudi Arabian government, through a royal decree, has urged government agencies to create internal cybersecurity departments to safeguard their information and technical assets. This makes cybersecurity a critical element of the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision. This study aims to shed light on the reality of cybersecurity and its challenges in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The researcher designed a questionnaire to measure several dimensions, including cybersecurity management, addressing cyber threats and risks, security techniques, and future (strategic) challenges. A sample of 98 IT employees working in different government agencies participated in this study. The results of the data analysis show that the level of cybersecurity against cyber threats and risks is high in the government agencies of Saudi Arabia.

Cybersecurity, cyberspace, cyber risks management, cyber threats and risks, cyber warfare



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