Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Multiple Intelligences in Relation to Academic Adjustment among Students at King Faisal University
(Amir E. Alkorashy and Zaki A. Boudy)Abstract
This research aims to study multiple intelligences according to Gardner’s theory and their relationship with King Faisal University students’ academic adjustment. This should help identify and remedy the problems facing university students as a result of their admission to colleges and scientific disciplines that are not commensurate with their intelligences, abilities, aptitudes and attitudes. This research is conducted on a sample of 209 male and 129 female students representing different study levels of scientific and theoretical colleges. The results indicate the presence of statistically significant difference in natural intelligence between the colleges of computer sciences, arts and education students, in favor of arts and education students. In addition, statistically significant difference is found in spatial intelligence between computer Sciences and physical education students in favor of computer science students. A statistically significant difference is found for spatial intelligence and logical mathematical intelligence between male and female students in favor of females. Statistically significant difference in both natural intelligence and academic adjustment is found between male and female, in favor of male students. Significant correlation is found between the levels of natural intelligence and academic adjustment for agriculture students. There is significant correlation between the level of visual intelligence and academic adjustment for fine art students. There is no correlation between the level of logical-mathematical inelegance and the level of academic adjustment for the students of the computer sciences. There was no correlation between the levels of social intelligence and academic adjustment for sociology students. There was no correlation between the levels of linguistic intelligence and academic adjustment for Arabic studies students. There was no correlation between the level of physical intelligence and the level of academic adjustment for physical education students. KEYWORDS academic adjustment, natural intelligences, physical intelligence
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