Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Effectiveness of Co-teaching on Improving Study Achievement in a Sample of King Faisal University's College of Education Students

(Layla Nasser Al-Zarah)


Earlier studies show that co-teaching by a group of teachers has a high impact on students’ performance and achievement. Co-teaching works because it utilises teachers’ strengths to overcome their weaknesses. This, in turn, has a positive impact on students’ achievement. Therefore, this research aims to assess the effectiveness of co-teaching on improving the achievement of female students from the College of Education, King Faisal University. The study is conducted during the second semester of the 2012 academic year. The sample consists of 124 students and belongs to two of the five branches obliged to study one unit of the Teaching Strategies course. The sample is divided into two groups. The control group is composed of 55 students, who were taught by the researcher using a traditional one-teacher method. The remaining 69 students, representing the experimental group, were taught using a two-teacher team composed of the researcher and a colleague for co-teaching. The two groups were similar in the achievement of the Teaching Strategies course. The study duration is 4 weeks. An achievement test was prepared. The test consisted of 23 multiple-choice question type that covered the chosen unit syllabus. The test validity and reliability were confirmed. After the application of the test, T-test was used to analyse the data. The results indicate that the average exam scores of students taught by co-teaching are statistically and significantly (<0.05) higher than those taught by traditional teaching in favour of the experimental group. Based on these findings, it is recommended to use co-teaching in the course of Teaching Strategies and to conduct similar studies on other courses. KEYWORDS co-teaching, study achievement, teaching strategies


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