Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management

School Tests as Conceived by Female Public Education Teachers: A Study Applied to Female Teachers in Al-Ahsa Governorate

(Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Naeem)


focused on identifying the attitudes of female public school teachers toward achievement tests in Al-Ahsa Governorate on the one hand, and the effect of the variables of teaching experience, educational stage, academic qualification, teachers current position, and school location on their attitudes toward school tests on the other. The study is confined to questionnaires distributed among a random sample of 450 regular teachers in the female education sector during the academic year 1426-1427 H. A total of 417 questionnaires have been analyzed in this study. The researcher used Spss 13.0 for Windows in dealing with all the study data. This involved frequency, percentage, average rates, standard deviation, in addition to a T-test for one sample, a T-test for two samples, ANOVA and Alpha Cronbach test. The study yielded the following findings:
