Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Combinatorial Arabesque: A new concept
(Wjdan Alhaboob and Hédi Nabli)Abstract
This paper is interested in developing a new application in combinatorial analysis, which will be called “combinatorial
arabesque”. There are many disciplines, which have a relationship with analytic combinatorics such as “Graph
theory”, “combinatorial optimization” and “Probabilistic combinatorics”. However, applying combinatorial
analysis on geometric patterns is actually a new topic and there is no previous study on this subject. This topic
seems to be a simple composition of geometrical patterns, but it really uses many branches of mathematics such
as counting techniques, analysis, and structural algebra related to geometric transformations. The results of this
paper is two tenors, the first is mathematical by determining all of the specific kind of motifs that shall be called
“Entirely symmetrical motifs”. The second tenor is artistic and decorative by constructing beautiful motif from
ugly one. Finally, a mathematical definition of beauty degree of a motif is given.
Key Words: Combinatorial analysis, Invariant group, Motif.