Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Impact of Literary Text on the Relationship between Language and Culture
(Shahla Ujayli)Abstract
This research studies the role of literary texts in the restoration of the hidden lexicon, as the language of the literary text transfers the historical experiences and the styles of say, its class, and the ideological, geographical, gender differing visions, etc. Which, enable the recipient to build the cultural perceptions parallel to the written text. The research examines "hunting" theme in two novels: (An Najdi), of the Kuwaiti novelist Taleb Al Rifaee, and (Al Fayyumi), of the Saudi novelist Taher Al Zahrani. There is no doubt that the language that we speak about is not merely a lexical vocabulary, but rather the language in its own cultural context. This specificity constitutes what are called identity policies: national, ethnic, and gender in which the language plays a normative role and forms what is called a "cultural hole" according to the definition of Claude Levi Strauss. This hole protects the cultures against the attempts of erase them. Therefore, the research provides a preface in which to define the nature of the argument between philologists and cultural –anthropologists about who has the reins of power production: culture or language, and the research uses the post-colonial theories premises as: Fixation, displacement, undermining, and criticism of hybrid. The research provides a definition of the main terms: Culture, Language and Literature so that culture is used as a way of life for minorities who are threatened in their identity existence, and which may be a category of professions that are subject to demise due to the late capitalism's hugeness, and the achievements of the postmodern world. Language is one of the elements of the foundations of this culture, as language becomes an identity standard that plays a role in creating the cultural identity, and transforming it into a policy, by producing discourses and undermining the opposite discourses, by using, and by generating through pragmatism, not by the dictionary itself, and the literary text and here is the novel will be the main aspect of both generation and revival of the lexicon. Key Words: Culture, Hunting, Identity, Language, Nature, Novel.
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