Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Relationship between the Dimensions of Ethical Leadership and the Organizational Identity Enhancement from the View Point of Female Administrative Staff at College of Science and Humanities in Jubail

(Yumna Ahmed Atoum)


Organizational identity influences the behavior and practices of employees. This would establish a unified thinking style and a strong organizational personality of the institutions which would distinguish it from other institutions. This study aimed to determine the level of ethical leadership dimensions, the level of organizational identity enhancement, and the relationship between the dimensions of ethical leadership and the enhancement of organizational identity from the point of view of female administrative staff. To achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire was prepared to collect the data, which was distributed to a sample of (62) from (90) individuals for the academic year 2018/2019. The results of the study showed that the level of moral leadership dimension reached a high score with an average of (3.69). Moral behavior presence came first followed by moral behavior enhancement then moral behavior practice which occupied last place. Meanwhile, the level of organizational identity enhancement reached a high score with an average of (4.04). Furthermore, the study showed a statistically positive relationship between the dimensions of moral leadership: (ethical behavior presence, ethical behavior practice, and moral behavior enhancement) and organizational identity enhancement. The study recommended developing the skills of leaders at the university to enable them to form a clear vision of the best practices of ethical leadership and their relationship to organizational identity enhancement in addition to translating them into applicable practical programs and holding training courses for female administrative staff on the application of ethical leadership to enhance the organizational identity. Key Words: Ethical behavior, Organizational moral enhancement.


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