Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Metrical Structures in New Poetic Arts: A Digital-Prosodic Study
(Husam Muhammed Ayyoub)Abstract
The development of human civilisations and ethnic interaction has led to the appearance of new poetic forms that are not restricted to the original Arabic basics and rhythms proposed by Al-Frahidy. The importance of this study depends upon the invention of phonetic descriptions of the metric structure in new poetic arts. The study aims to provide a scientific explanation of some poetic impressions concerning the metric structure and examine the metre of some of the new poetic arts. The study adopts the digital syllabic prosody perspective to achieve this goal. This research document is composed of an introduction, two informative sections, and a conclusion. The introduction discusses the difficulties, importance, terminology and delimitation of the study and, in addition, includes a review of related literature. The introduction also presents a detailed description of this new outlook on the study of prosodic aspects. The first section examines the well-structured metrics of poetic arts such as ‘Kan Kan’ and ‘Quma’. The next section shed lights on the ill-structured metrics of some of the newer poetic arts for example ‘Alselsela & AlDobit’. The results of the study are revealed in the conclusion and it also includes recommendations for further studies. The study establishes that some poetic arts such as ‘Kan Kan’ and ‘Quma’ are well formed, whereas other poetic arts for example ‘Alselsela & AlDobit’ are ill-formed. Finally, the study recommends the investigation of the metric structure of Muwashahat (i.e. terza rima), any other new poetic art such as free poetry, and any new rhythm that leads to the invention of new poetic metres.
Alkhalil Ibn Ahmad Al-Frahidy, Arabic literature, colloquial literature, poetic metres
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